DOGE name on Telegram sold for half a million, was it Elon Musk?

Telegram, a very popular messaging app, has started auctioning ‘special’ usernames on the platform. The top 10 most expensive usernames include names like ‘car’, ‘game’, ‘bank’, ‘fifa’, ‘casino’ and also ‘doge’. From dates of Fragmentthe platform where you can bid on these names, it appears that someone paid 350,000 toncoin (TON) to get the username @doge on the platform.

Is Elon Musk behind this doge purchase?

The 350,000 TON were worth approximately $550,000 at the time of purchase. It is now mainly speculation who was crazy enough to pay more than half a million for the username. The first person that comes to mind for everyone is of course Elon Musk.

Musk is a well-known dogecoin fan and perhaps one of the few who can and is willing to throw such money. In any case, he has enough capital to be able to make a purchase like this for fun. It’s not clear what the person behind this purchase intends with the username, but we’ll no doubt be hearing more about this.

What actually is toncoin?

The usernames can therefore be purchased from Telegram with Toncoin. The abbreviation TON stands for ‘The Open Network’ and the token lives on a blockchain designed by Telegram itself.

Basically, Toncoin is a kind of payment network for Telegram users. In the long run, the idea is probably that Telegram should become an all-encompassing app where you can pay each other and also buy things.

This would allow it to compete with traditional players in the payment industry. In principle, it functions as a kind of bank in this way.

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By the way, ‘doge’ is not the most expensive username purchased from Telegram. That honor comes to the name of ‘car’ for which a user paid approximately $ 1.43 million.

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