Home Science Dieting Guide for Men

Dieting Guide for Men

Men’s and women’s bodies are different. An article shows that gender affects nutritional health in such a way that men have more muscle mass than women, allowing them to burn up to 400 more calories per day. In line with this, men need more micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) like potassium, magnesium, and zinc to make up for the calories burned.

While there may be a lot to consider regarding men’s diets, we have compiled a guide to help. Below are a few dieting tips for men who want to lose weight.

Consume more calories

As mentioned above, men burn more calories than women due to their muscle mass. Consequently, calories are what contribute to muscle gain. As such, men still need to consume more calories—even when they’re trying to lose weight—to keep gaining muscle. After all, the more muscle they have, the more calories they can consume without gaining weight.

Proper calorie intake is achieved with the most effective weight loss plans for men as it gives them total freedom over what they eat: they just need to track how much food they consume. This way, dieting doesn’t have to be so miserable when they can include their food preferences in their meals.

Don’t skip on the protein

Men have higher levels of testosterone even though women produce more of the hormone. Testosterone is a major contributor to building more muscle, which is why men should consume more protein.

Additionally, a study concluded that higher protein intake when dieting assists in better food choices. This alone can already help men’s weight loss journey since they’ll prefer to consume more healthy food. However, what’s more, intriguing is that higher protein intake avoids the loss of lean body mass associated with weight loss. It’s hitting two birds with one stone: consuming protein leads to a healthy diet and losing weight. Men must keep in mind to up their protein intake by including food like eggs, chicken breasts, and lean beef in meals.

Plant-based diets reduce body fat

For men who want to try something new or have a different dieting lifestyle, plant-based diets are definitely an option. Research has found that this type of diet helps in reducing body fat. Obese and overweight subjects who were asked to consume plant-based diets have shown reduced fat in their bodies.

It’s also the fiber in plant-based food that contributes to weight loss, as it keeps a person full for longer. As mentioned earlier, men need more calories than women, meaning they also need more fiber to balance this out. Some fiber-rich food to include in meals are beans, legumes, and grains.

Dieting Guide for Men

Control superfood consumption

Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods that are considered to be very beneficial for health. As the saying goes: “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.” There are a few superfoods that can make men fat if not consumed moderately, such as avocados, protein bars, and nutrition waters. A few more unexpected ones on the list are trail mix, nuts, and gluten-free food. However healthy superfoods may be, men must keep them to a minimum when dieting, so they don’t undo their progress.

Dieting is a huge component in the journey to weight loss. With this guide, men can build better dieting habits that will not only help them lose weight but may also increase their life expectancy.

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