Netflix premiered its documentary series The Romantics on Valentine’s Day, which is getting a lot of love from the audience. Directed by Smriti Mundra, the story of this documentary revolves around veteran filmmaker Yash Chopra and his production company Yash Raj Films. In this series, Bollywood superstars and renowned filmmakers share their experiences working with Yash Chopra and his son Aditya Chopra.
Anushka Sharma made her Bollywood debut in 2008 with Yash Raj Film’s blockbuster ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’. The opposite of him was Shah Rukh Khan in this movie, which was directed by Aditya Chopra. Anushka Sharma said that the filmmakers did not want to inform anyone about his first film. He even told Anushka not to tell his parents about it. Even the Yash Raj Films staff members were unaware that Anushka was playing the lead role in the film.
Anushka said: ‘The shooting was about to end. No one knew and Aditya also did not want anyone to know that I am the lead actor in this movie. Aditya told me that you will not tell anyone about this. You can’t even tell your parents. I just accepted. Tell them that when Anushka signed with Rabbi Ne Bana Di Jodi, he was only 19 years old. He had clearly told Aditya Chopra that he couldn’t hide anything from his parents since he lives alone with them. However, the members of the film industry had no idea who is the actress in this film starring Shah Rukh Khan.
Filmmaker Aditya Chopra first appeared on screen through The Romantics. He told the story of the making of the film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. He said that this film had recovered Yash Raj Films from a huge loss. Aditya Chopra said: ‘I realized that the company needed a blockbuster film. In such a situation, I decided to make only this film. Aditya Chopra said that due to the Mumbai attack, he was asked to extend the release date of the film, but he released it on time. Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi turned out to be the most successful film of that year.