Demonstrations in Iran as the largest lake in the Middle East dries up

Tehran: Several protesters protesting the drying up of the largest lake in the Middle East were arrested in Iran.

According to international media reports, the police arrested several people protesting the drying up of the lake in Iran, which is considered to be the largest in the Middle East.

Iranian state media say the protesters were causing a security disruption by protesting the drying up of the lake.

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, Lake Urmia, located in the mountains of northwestern Iran, began to shrink in 1995 due to a prolonged drought due to the extraction of water for agriculture and dams in the area.

Urmia, the world’s largest highly saline water lake, is located between the Iranian region of Urmia and the city of Tabriz, and more than 6 million people depend on agriculture on the shores around the lake.

The police chief of Iran’s western province says that those arrested are hostile elements spreading evil, whose aim is nothing but to disturb the security of the people.

According to a local media report, protesters protested in the provincial capital and chanted slogans, Lake Urmia is thirsty, the lake is shrinking, the lake is dying and the authorities have ordered to kill it.

The drying up of rivers in Iran, especially in central and southwestern Iran, has led to several protests by thousands of people over the past few months.

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