Deadpool 3: Hugh Jackman would have released a very big spoiler on the plot | Geek Lands

Deadpool 3 will be, with the next two avengersthe flagship project of phase 6 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The next adventures of Wade Wilson have experienced a resurgence of interest since the D23 of disney in September 2022Or Ryan Reynolds revealed the return with great fanfare of Hugh Jackman in his iconic role as Wolverine7 years after his spectacular farewell in “ Logan ” of James Mangold. If we have little information about the film, everyone knows that the Mercenary should travel to the multiverse to put down his suitcases (or not) in the mcu.

Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen (Charles Xavier and Magneto from the original X-Men franchise) are widely expected to be part of the film just like mobius And Lokiwho should be the main players in this arrival of Dead Pool next to Captain America, Doctor Strange and consorts. We should also see different variants of key characters in Marvel.

And Hugh Jackmanthe interpreter of Wolverine, surely just released a very big spoiler. Speaking to the French newspaper The Parisianhere is what the interpreter of the clawed mutant said:

“Yes, it will even be a double role. Ryan and I have been friends for twenty years, we have a lot of fun together. We are filming this summer. »

This comment on the “dual role” sparked speculation online that Jackman would have let slip that he would play two variants of Wolverineas was the case in the film Logan. The other possibility concerns the fact that the association between Wolverine and Deadpool would be so important that it would go like ” a dual character ” in the movie. Case to follow. In any case Deadpool 3 is scheduled for November 6, 2024.

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