Dallas Mavericks find the formula to get LeBron James

The latest information coming from the United States suggests that Kyrie Irving is doing everything possible to get LeBron James to join the Dallas Mavericks this summer.

After being eliminated in the playoffs, the “King” showed his great anger with the management of the Los Angeles Lakers, even threatening to retire. However, he is completely ruled out that he will leave basketball. What he is not ruled out is that he gets pierced. And now we have known that Lebron James could set course for dallas mavericks this same summer.

It is no secret that the man from Akron wanted to recruit Kyrie Irving for the Los Angeles Lakers. But, despite the fact that the point guard requested the transfer, the operation was impossible to carry out. Now the tables have turned and it is Irving the one who is trying to recruit LeBron James to the Dallas Mavericks in what would be the largest operation in the transfer market.

LeBron James could be traded to Dallas Mavericks
LeBron James could end up with Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving

LeBron James to Dallas Mavericks, fact or fiction?

Without a doubt, seeing on the same team LeBron James, Kyrie Irving and Luka Doncic look like something from video games. However, despite the fact that they are three of the best players in the league, they don’t seem to be great complements. Neither is a great defender and, furthermore, they need a lot of the ball to stand out on the parquet.

Be that as it may, LeBron James and Kyrie Irving want to play together again, so the transfer is not an unreasonable option. Even more so considering that if Irving wants to play for the Los Angeles Lakers he will have to do so by forgiving a lot of money. Something that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen, so the only alternative is for LeBron James to be traded to the Dallas Mavericks.

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The transfer that Mark Cuban can close for the ‘King’

Although on paper it doesn’t seem like the best option, if the Los Angeles Lakers are willing to rebuild there is a chance. This possibility would leave LeBron James on the Maverickswhile the Los Angeles Lakers would receive Davis Bertans, Tim Hardaway Jr, Josh Green, Jaden Hardy and a future round of the Draft.

This is an extremely complicated operation that does not guarantee good results, as Dallas Mavericks would sacrifice a lot of depth for a 38-year-old LeBron James. Be that as it may, in the NBA nothing is impossible. Now all that remains is to wait and see how it all ends. What seems clear is that one of the two projects will end up completely falling apart this summer.

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