- Scientists discovered a weapon to eliminate corona
- So far more than 64 lakh people have lost their lives due to corona in the world
- Devastation caused by 5.27 lakh deaths due to corona in India
Covid Treatment: In about three years, Corona has caused huge destruction in the country and the world. From time to time, this virus is attacking people by changing its pattern and killing millions of people. This virus is so elusive that sometimes it slows down, sometimes it remains moderate and sometimes it becomes active with manifold strength and starts showing the orgy of deaths. Because of this, the scientists of the country and the world are also surprised. Although the anti-corona vaccines prepared by the scientists of the country and abroad have shown a positive effect to a large extent, but even these vaccines are not effective on all forms of corona. But now a scientist of Indian origin has identified such a part of the antibody of corona, so that all forms of this virus can be made ineffective. It is believed that through this, scientists will be able to eliminate Corona completely from the world. If this happens then it will be nothing less than a big miracle for the whole world.
According to scientists, they have identified such an antibody of corona, which will help in doing targeted therapy of this virus easily. This will make the treatment of corona patients easier. Depending on the variant of the virus, patients will get better sooner if they get accurate treatment. This will also reduce the deaths due to corona.
Corona’s weak link caught on spike protein with cryo-electron microscopy
Scientists have achieved great success in important research on the corona virus under the leadership of Sriram Subramaniam, a scientist of Indian origin and Professor at the University of British Columbia, Canada. In this, microscopy called cryo-electron was used to identify its weak link on the spike protein of the corona virus. It is able to see and capture even the smallest fragments of viruses. Scientists have discovered a segment of the coronavirus called VHAB6 of the antibody. It is named as Epitape. This allows the antibody to attach itself. The corona virus enters human cells through its spike protein and infects them. He changes his form. Therefore, due to not being recognized, scientists have not been able to find the exact treatment of corona virus so far. Because it is attacking with different variant. But now with the identification of this VHAB 6 segment, it can be treated with targeted therapy against all variants of the corona virus.
Research published in the international journal Nature Communications
This important research, led by Sriram Subramaniam, who has an MA in Chemistry from IIT Kanpur, has been published in the international journal Nature Communications. Scientists around the world, including the World Health Organization, have appreciated this research. This is considered to be the most effective research in the research done so far on the corona virus. Due to this, the hopes of eradicating Corona completely have also increased.
Now corona will not be able to enter human body
Scientist Sriram Subramaniam claims that to neutralize the corona, we were looking for an antibody that is like a master key, that is, after mutation and new variants can be eliminated even after the formation of new variants. . Now we have got success in this. Subramaniam, the VHAB6 segment of the antibody is effective against all variants of the corona. This part of the antibody binds to the epitope, preventing the virus from entering human cells, as well as inactivating it.
Total infected and deaths due to corona in India and the world
The total number of corona infected is more than 4.43 crore
Total deaths over 5.27 lakh
total corona infected more than 60 crores
Total deaths over 64.5 lakh
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