Colombian Man Charged with Homicide After Violent Domestic Incident Unfolds

Incident Details

A serious incident occurred in the department of Rocha, where a man was accused of a severe crime. The accused, a Colombian national, allegedly committed a violent act against his partner, also of Colombian nationality.

According to reports, the victim was found tied up with her arms behind her back, partially naked, and with a diver around her neck. The aggressor was found to be in possession of a knife, posing a significant threat to the victim’s safety.

Police Intervention

Upon arrival, the police had to force their way into the spa home, The Dove, as the doors were locked. The timely intervention of the authorities likely prevented further harm to the victim.

The accused will face preventive detention for a period of 180 days, allowing the investigation to continue and ensuring the safety of the victim and the community.

Read Also:  Teen Charged with Homicide After Fatal Fight in Leap Municipal Landfill

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