Home Sports Chilavert, Milei and the screaming right

Chilavert, Milei and the screaming right

The two characters on the bizarre right, bordering on a histrionic, loud, very cartoonish fascism, played football. They were archers, and more than the position –which José Luis Chilavert successfully defended and Javier Milei left still a virgin– they are joined by an anti-communist group. In tune, of course, with the songs of that extreme right that appears without embarrassment and is on the way to the advent of a new Duce. Soccer “is innocent”, Jorge Valdano would say in his defense, but politics has no one to defend it from these emerging ones who gave themselves praise last week in a deliberately promoted meeting.

When the Paraguayan saved, he won titles and scored goals for his unmatched collection – he scored 62 in official matches and was only surpassed by the Brazilian Rogério Ceni-, his left leg was fearsome. Today he is kicking for the most reactionary right. The economist with the wild hair and uncanny resemblance to Benny Hill, the British comedian who died in 1992, left the arc before making his debut in Primera. He played in Chacarita but left the gloves for the economics books. He says he made the right decision. We will have to wait a few years to find out if he says the same about his foray into politics.

Votes pulled out. There are those who fear his ideas and his overactive and violent style. But the problem is not Milei and what it represents. A tic-ridden figure whose ceiling is unpredictable or may fall on him within a couple of years. Examples of candidates formatted by the media, functional to mononeural audiences, who appeared like him and dissipated like a wisp of smoke, there was more than one. With Milei it remains to be seen how far she goes.

Chilavert went much further in football but the arc of politics may be too big for him. For now, it shows a rudimentary discursive battery of McCarthyite phrases and praise for its Latin American reference: Jair Bolsonaro. Before the far-right military man won the Brazilian elections in October 2018, the PT candidate, Fernando Haddad, had given him his support. “Wake up Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro is the solution to put an end to the cheap and mean populism of the region”, He wrote on his twitter account where he usually retweets or likes expressions of the most rancid right. That definition disappointed more than one of his fans who treated him harshly on social networks, as if forgetting his rich sports career.

Already in 2017 he had announced his launch into Paraguayan politics with the purpose of “standing up to socialism and the left.” A year later he supported the candidate of the Colorado Party in the elections, Mario Abdo Benítez, the current president. If you wanted to project your candidacy for head of state in your country, you should immerse yourself in the turbulent waters of the internal government. Whoever wins them is practically assured the first magistracy. Coloradismo has about 2.5 million members. Paraguay has a population that is close to 7.5 million inhabitants. The current president publicly asked: “It is now or never, enough of millionaire salaries in the Binationals and enough of impunity within the justice system. Leave a legacy for your family and future generations of our country. It is up to you and the people will thank you ”.

Chilavert modeled his candidacy with a strong social profile. Last February he commented: “I work with 160 doctors in my country, we choose the poorest places and I give motivational talks to the children and I do it in Guaran.í, which is the first language of Paraguay. Guaraní is a very sweet language ”. Your new partner in the region, Milei, suggested that “it would do a lot of good to the society of her country” if it were to appear in the elections scheduled for 2023.

The two allowed themselves to take photographs, the Paraguayan gave him a diver with the drawing of the bulldog that he used when he was catching and they did not say much of what they talked about, although that of strengthening ties in South America is discounted. With them, the right-wing entente has no inferiority complexes. They are effusive, media, insult the left and the right that they consider lukewarm alike.

Chilavert points out in politics as when he kicked penalties: “It is evident that Lula, Dilma, Mujica, Néstor and Cristina, Chavez, Maduro, Correa multiplied the vagrants in the region, they left each country devastated and they billionaires at the expense of the people ”. Milei is quite similar to him because of her identification with Bolsonaro. A champion of torture and dictatorship in his country, of which he said when he was younger in a video that can still be seen on social networks: “Through the vote, nothing can be achieved in this country, absolutely nothing. We are only going to achieve it, unfortunately, when we march to the civil war in here and doing the work that the military regime did not do, killing 30 thousand ”. Through the vote, he became president of Brazil.

The economist declared a few days before STEP: “There are some Bolsonaro issues that I find interesting. He leveled the court when he arrived in Brazil. What they did with the São Paulo Forum, the Puebla Group, which they do is take resources from the State to promote ideology, was to cut that funding, and it was a great idea, “he declared on the radio. Rock and pop.

Milei, like every applauder of the freedom of the market and herald of the disappearance of the state, is a far-right politically. The freedom that declaims does not advance in that area. When Leandro Santoro, the candidate of the Frente de Todos in the city of Buenos Aires, denounced that in 1999 he had been an advisor to the genocidal Antonio Bussi in Congress, he had no choice but to admit it on his Twitter account. If Bussi had been Brazilian, Bolsonaro would have him on his podium of vindicable characters, as he did with the torturer of former President Dilma Rousseff, Colonel Carlos Brilhante Ustra.

The economist and ex-goalkeeper saves all the centers that are thrown at him from the far right of the field. He began to plot an alliance with the Bolsonarismo represented by Eduardo, one of the sons of the denier president. Something anticipated in that radio interview: “The possibility of creating a kind of forum for those of us in the world who fight communism, left-wing ideas is being discussed.. The possibility of holding a meeting in Buenos Aires is being considered, and I find it interesting ”, he anticipated.

If that meeting is confirmed, the photo with Chilavert will surely be repeated. The far right has not hidden its true shirt for a long time, camouflaged with the “libertarian” thought that it loves to spread. Advance freedom is Milei’s strength. But in the direction of fascism, he needs to clarify.



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