Home Entertainment Cervecería will continue to support Premios Soberano but

Cervecería will continue to support Premios Soberano but

Cervecería will continue to support Premios Soberano but

The Dominican National Brewery (CND) informed through a statement sent to this medium that he will renew “his commitment to national talent” in relation to his role in Sovereign Awards, which will allow “other brands from other lines committed to the development of talent to integrate into the platform and continue to promote their reach”, in addition to continuing to provide opportunities for new talents.

In a statement, the company stated that it will continue to support the awards from a different sponsorship role, which will allow it to diversify and expand its range of action to support initiatives that will contribute to the development of talent linked to national art and culture.

Brewery Statement

The commitment assumed by Dominican National Brewery to support national art and culture is permanent, which motivates them to keep innovating to renew their commitment to national talent. It is precisely with the aim of expanding its impact and diversifying its range of action, to contribute to the growth and development of national talent, that Cervecería updates its role in Soberano Awards.

This new function will allow it to continue supporting the platform and, in parallel, it will continue its commitment to art from new and interesting formats. Regarding its new moment at Premios Soberano, as a sponsor, it will seek to continue supporting initiatives within the platform such as the Great Casting, which each year provides opportunities for emerging talents to be integrated into the production, assembly and celebration of the awards. In addition, this moment will open the way for other brands from other lines committed to the development of talent to join the platform and continue promoting its reach.

With a view to carrying out the next ceremony, Cervecería has made its support and advice available to Acroarte for the new production team, which will allow the organization to continue at a fluid pace and not jeopardize its realization.

This decision has been duly communicated to the directors of Acroarte. As the next step, both organizations will begin a conversation process to define the details of the new role of Cervecería in this phase, a moment that seeks to continue supporting the realization of the awards.

This was confirmed by Ana María Martínez, director of Corporate and Legal Affairs of Cervecería Nacional Dominicana, who details that, “We have notified Acroarte of our desire to continue within the award from another role. That said, at Cervecería we believe that in the Dominican Republic there is a large amount of talent that can raise the name of our country, for this reason, we will amplify our own platforms, while supporting other important sectors, betting on the promotion of talent and the future of the national art. With a view to continuing to strengthen and restructure the awards, we understand that it will benefit to promote the openness and participation of other actors who can also contribute their knowledge and creativity to continue promoting this important sociocultural initiative”.

Cervecería reaffirms its pride in the work carried out in the most important award for Dominicans, and reaffirms its commitment to ensure its growth and development.

Since its creation, the commitment to art and Dominican talent is present in the essence of Cervecería and its brands, which is why it will continue working with a view to further expanding its radius of action to benefit a greater number of initiatives or artistic projects. and cultural.

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