CC Sabathia will be an advisor to the MLB commissioner

CC Sabathia will continue to be one of baseball’s ambassadors, but now he will do so as a special advisor to the commissioner.

MLB announced Sabathia’s new job Wednesday. Sabathia pitched 19 seasons in the Majors with the Cankees, Brewers and Guardians between 2001 and 2019. Now, he will work in the Commissioner’s office on the issues of the future of the game: Player Relations, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, Social Responsibility, Youth Involvement and transmissions.

“I can’t wait to share my thoughts as a former Major League Baseball player in the Commissioner’s Office,” Sabathia said in a statement. “I want to be able to continue to give back to the game that I love so much. This new position gives me the opportunity to work on what I am passionate about, being a spokesperson for the players and contributing to the decision-making process of the league, after 19 years on the field. I can’t wait to start.”

As special advisor to the commissioner, Sabathia will be a bridge between the league and current players, working to grow the game and promote equality. He will also continue to work on The Players Alliance initiative, as Vice President.

“We are excited to have CC Sabathia join the Commissioner’s Office to work on important initiatives,” Commissioner Rob Manfred said in a statement. “We welcome CC’s positive energy, along with his creative mind, strong personality and knowledge of the game, to help us in our efforts to solidify the game and the diversity of the sport. CC has an important voice in baseball and we value what he will bring to the front office.”

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