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Causes, consequences and natural solutions


Constipation affects a good percentage of the population. Although many products promise a magical solution to the problem, experts say a healthy diet is the key to real improvement.

Television advertising is more than eloquent when it promotes products that promise quick solutions to a scourge that affects much of the population: slow traffic. The truth is that in this large group suffering from constipation, twice as many women as men suffer from the condition. “To prevent intestinal problems and maintain health, a varied, nutrient-rich diet and sufficient fluid intake are essential,” explains nutritionist Daniela Ortega.

If it is not a chronic problem, constipation can definitely be prevented or “relieved” by radically changing your diet. “Many people who have had to change their eating habits ask about the benefits of organic products. I always tell them that it’s about recognizing that our bodies need to be nourished with excellent quality foods. So what better than those that have not been contaminated by chemical substances in any of their processes,” said Lorena Farina, owner of Vida Plena, the first online delivery of organic products in Cuyo.

“In fact – added the nutritionist – organic foods would be ideal to combat constipation. Because they do not contain additives, preservatives or chemicals, they are foods that better protect our health, not only at the intestinal level, but in a much more comprehensive way. “Always the most natural, it will be much healthier and more beneficial for our body.”

He continued: “Many people have eating habits that, without knowing it, are harming them. For example, some people eat excessive amounts of meat and serve it with potato salad or rice or pasta. Of course, if our eating routine develops that way.” This is how we will work with Slow Transit. Even some who suffer from this disease include vegetables in their diet and eat broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage. The truth is that this vegetable causes inflammation and increases the unpleasant symptoms of constipation.

Of course, it would be impossible to believe that the solution lies in eating healthy foods alone. Hydration and exercise are also necessary to achieve real results. “It’s about being convinced that we want to radically change our quality of life in terms of health,” Farina noted.

Causes and consequences of constipation

Some professionals claim that between 30 and 40% of patients who consult a gastroenterologist do so because they suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and therefore intestinal transit disorder. Although the cause of symptoms is generally functional, they may indicate an organic change. Therefore, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist to determine the cause and adjust treatment in each individual case.

Of course, if an intrinsic cause is ruled out, constipation can arise from a combination of factors related to diet and lifestyle. Stress, disorder at meal times (for example, only a few minutes are left for lunch), shifting biological needs, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, obesity and excessive consumption of laxatives and certain medications can be causes of malfunctioning intestinal transit.

“The intestine is an organ that requires getting used to; For example, if we take non-prescription laxatives or commercial products such as yogurt that promise to regulate the intestines, they may no longer have any effect after a while. It is therefore important and advisable to change the permanent stimulus; with a varied and healthy diet,” recommends Daniela Ortega.

Four “organic” keys in search of a healthy solution

1. To combat constipation there are no forbidden foods, there are foods whose consumption should be reduced if you have intestinal problems, such as cheese – especially the hardest ones -, rice or foods that cause inflammation because they can worsen constipation . Symptoms.

2. It is very good to eat all foods rich in fiber, such as: B. Fruit (better if it can be eaten with the peel), vegetables (of different types and colors) and at least one serving of raw vegetables per day. Also whole grain products (including bran bread, whole grain flour), legumes, seeds (primarily linseed).

3. It is important to remember that fiber only has the desired effect when combined with liquids. Therefore, it is important to accompany a high-fiber diet with plenty of water and physical activity.

4. Re-educate the evacuation habit; So try to go to the toilet a few minutes after breakfast or the first meal of the day, as this is when the gastrocolic reflex is most stimulated. www.

Sources of information:

Lorena Farina – Owner of Vida Plena, the first online delivery of organic products from Cuyo.

Daniela Ortega – Degree in Nutrition. Registration: 1178.

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