Home Sports Cassano charges against Mou again: “They did shit”

Cassano charges against Mou again: “They did shit”

Cassano charges against Mou again:

Antonio Cassano continues his particular war with Jose Mourinho. The ex-footballer of Real Madrid and Rome, among others, has spoken on ‘Antonio Speaks’ on the space he dedicates on Instagram to give his opinion on the Italian teams. Once again his criticism has focused on Mourinho, a few hours after reaching the second consecutive European final by making good the 1-0 first leg achieved in Rome against Bayer Leverkusen with the zero draw of the second leg in Germany .

The Italian has harshly criticized the loss of time by the romanisti and the game the Setúbal coach opted for: “Roma vaguely reminded me of Oronzo Canà’s Lombard. I start from the assumption that I am very happy, because I love Rome and its people. But it is not possible that from the beginning to the end there will be fights and quarrels. They dropped to the ground and didn’t play half an action in 98 minutes. The coach will say that everything is special, but in life, as Napoleon said, he is better a lucky commander than a strong one. And he’s very lucky, he’s awesome. He sucked, but it will be said that last year he won the Conference and now he has reached the final. We will continue for results and results. He was lucky that in the draw he always beat weaker teams on paper. I have to talk about football and analyze the game. A rather embarrassing thing. Something you can’t understand at all. But what will he say? I made it to the final, I won, I don’t give a shit. Well done Rome, but they did shit”. The words of Fantantonio have been joined by the complaints of several members of Bayer Leverkusen for the approach made by Mourinho.

Cassano and Mourinho have shown not to mince words. The ex-soccer player already attacked the Roma coach in April: “Mourinho is just cinema. I have no idea how he achieves the results. He was a great coach and communicator, but currently, for me, he is a coach who is up to the task of coaching Real Madrid or San Martinés. Mou doesn’t give a shit about football. They are going to look at history, but let’s not be fooled, because they don’t know how to work, speak and communicate football”.

The Portuguese did not take long to reply: “Everyone can criticize and think what they want, but while Cassano has fun, others work seriously. Cassano has played for Roma, Inter and Real Madrid: in Madrid they remember him for his jacket, with Roma he won a Super Cup without playing, at Inter he didn’t even win the Lombardy Cup. Instead, they know what he won with Inter, Madrid and Roma. He will have a problem with me, I don’t have it with him.”.

After these statements, the man from Bari returned to the attack: “In Madrid they fired Mou for his horrible football. He will never reach the sole of Guardiola’s shoes ”. While the only coach who has won the Champions League, Europa League and Conference responded: “He has a problem with me, I’m not the one with him. He only told him one thing: be careful Antonio, you are 40 years old and I am 60, but sometimes Markos Livajas appears and then it gets difficult ”. The dialectical war between Fantantonio and ‘The Special One’ has a rope for a while.

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