Home Business Carnero is convinced that the second high-speed road will make the underground...

Carnero is convinced that the second high-speed road will make the underground even more necessary

Carnero cree que la segunda vía de alta velocidad hace más necesario el soterramiento



“These measures directly harm the well-being of every single resident of Valladolid, because the more frequent and frequent the trips through the city, the more necessary the burial becomes, because it is a given.” If what we have now bothers us, ask Imagine that we will have much more,” said the mayor of Valladolid, Jesús Julio Carnero, in reference to the award of 29 million announced by the Ministry of Transport of the works to be built a second high-speed road in Valladolid.

During his visit to the 63 houses for young families for social rent in the Puente Colgante building in Valladolid after the rehabilitation, Carnero pointed out that he had heard about this project for a long time and that this was the reason why the burial was necessary. because “the area continues to grow and what needs to be done is to bury the railway line in order to allow the people of Valladolid to have a friendly city that does not become more complex and complicated from a railway infrastructure perspective.”

He explained that “he has every hope that the eleven million euros will remain in Valladolid and can support a series of important projects for the city in 2024.” “We have all year to deliver this amount, regardless of whether the deadline ended yesterday.” Nevertheless, until such authorization is obtained, these eleven million have been “withheld” and cannot be used for “the common good of the citizens because Mr. Óscar Puente stole them,” he claimed.

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