While most take-out containers are recyclable, whether or not they can be added to the recycling bin depends on what they’re made of, what items your local recycler accepts, and whether there’s food residue such as grease or cheese.
Cardboard, paper, aluminum, and plastic packaging are generally accepted for recycling in the US. However, it is important to ensure these items have the appropriate recycling symbol before disposing of them in a recycling bin.
chinese food packaging
Chinese food usually comes packaged in a paper bucket, which is a cardboard box sealed with polyethylene plastic. This plastic liner helps prevent food from dripping and also ensures that the cardboard is more resistant to sticking, but unfortunately these containers are not easy to recycle.
To recycle packaging, some municipalities require that they are free of food and properly washed. Check your local recycling instructions to find out what to do. Unfortunately, most of these food containers end up in the trash instead of being reused.
plastic travel containers
When choosing a salad to go, it usually comes in a plastic container. These containers are typically made from low-density polyethylene or polypropylene thermoplastics that provide an airtight seal for the food inside. Plastic items have the advantage that they can be melted and molded into different shapes. This makes them a great choice for recycling, which is why most home recycling programs in the US recognize and accept plastics for reuse.
It is recommended that all plastic take-out containers be rinsed, cleaned and dried before disposing of them in a bin to prevent debris or food residue from getting into specialized machinery.
Styrofoam cups and containers
Misnamed Styrofoam containers, EPS food containers can be excellent insulators. They can keep soup hot and smoothies fresh longer.
Restaurant owners often buy EPS containers in bulk, as they are cost-effective and come in a variety of sizes. However, these containers can harm the environment as they are made from petroleum-based materials. The production of foam packaging can cause contaminants to be released into the air. When these are disposed of in landfills, toxic materials can leak out and contaminate soil and water sources.
Although many bins are made up of recyclable material with the number 6 recycling symbol, there are very few places that actually process it. You can find specialist recyclers that accept EPS, but be sure to do your research before taking any action.
Paper packaging and containers
If paper containers and packaging are not stained with grease or other food debris, they can usually be placed in the municipal wastebasket. Paper that has not been in direct contact with food is generally a suitable option for recycling.
food packaging
Cardboard food packaging can be recycled if it is not contaminated with food waste, just like paper packaging. Dairy products like cheese and cooking oil can wreak havoc on the sorting process and recycling machines, leading to significant losses of recycled materials.
It is important to be aware of the wax or plastic coating on packaging that retailers use for ready meals. This liner, usually polyethylene, helps prevent leaks and keeps food fresh. Unfortunately, the wax coating on boxes makes recycling difficult and most recycling facilities will not accept them.
waxed paper cups
The paper cups come with a waterproof wax coating that prevents drinks from leaking or tasting like paper. Unfortunately, this very coating makes them difficult to recycle, as recycling machinery cannot differentiate between paper and wax. Old wax coatings used to be made from pure wax, but today they are mostly made from fossil-derived plastics such as polystyrene or polypropylene.
To-go coffee cups are typically made with a plastic cover on the outside of a paper cup. Unfortunately, these paper cups are not recyclable, but they can be composted if they are made from PLA (polylactic acid). If you’re looking for an eco-friendly alternative, bring your own mug to the next cafe. This will reduce the number of single-use cups that end up in landfills.
ice cream boxes
In the supermarket’s frozen aisles, you’ll likely find many different brands of ice cream available in cardboard boxes made from the same type of material. The ice cream containers are made of specialized moisture-resistant paperboard. In addition, it contains a polyethylene plastic inner lining to ensure that it can withstand very low temperatures without compromising its integrity.
Plastic coated packaging normally cannot be recycled due to its difficult processing. Despite this, some local authorities offer curbside recycling programs that accept cartons of ice cream.
Before disposing of ice cream cartons in the trash, it is important to check with your local authorities. If they allow it, be sure to empty them and clean them of all food residue before recycling. Otherwise, any residue left behind could contaminate other recyclables and reduce their value.
juice boxes
Although they appear to be made of cardboard, many juice boxes actually have a thin layer of plastic on the inside, similar to the lining on Chinese take-out food packaging. But they’re actually made from a variety of layered materials, including paper, polyethylene plastic, and aluminum.
Juice boxes can be difficult to recycle as the individual components, while separate and recyclable, often go together. Therefore, it is recommended to dispose of them rather than trying to set them aside for continued use. If you want to recycle juice boxes, you can find a program in your area from a local recycler.
aluminum containers
Aluminum food containers can be disposed of through curbside recycling programs. To ensure the quality of the process, it is important to rinse them and remove any excess food before recycling them.
Can take-out containers be composted?
Food packaging is a long-standing environmental problem, due to the use of non-biodegradable and difficult to recycle materials. However, green developers have recently developed biodegradable packaging that can be composted and reused. Thus significantly reducing the amount of food packaging waste.
In general, you can compost any soiled food paper or cardboard takeout container. Some retailers also use compostable cups and cutlery that can be identified by symbols or labels on the package. When looking for compostable materials, you should look for labels like “Compostable” or “PLA”. Be sure to read the fine print, as these labels may mean the material may only be compostable at a specific composting facility.
But best of all would be reduce consumption these containers to avoid energy costs in your process and materials.
With information from: https://www.treehugger.com/