Home Sports Campazzo: "I don’t play Play anymore, my player is terrible …"

Campazzo: "I don’t play Play anymore, my player is terrible …"

Campazzo: "I don’t play Play anymore, my player is terrible …"

Facundo Campazzo showed his most personal side in Black box, a cycle of in-depth interviews by Julio Leiva at Filo News. “Being short was always a karma”, recognizes the Argentine base. How big is?. “Do you want my real height, or what it says on Wikipedia? I am at 1.78-79 ”, answered Campazzo that before settling in Real Madrid and becoming one of the best bases in the Old Continent, he had to put the batteries in Murcia. “They told me they had never seen a juvenile with a belly. I was in Murcia and I wanted to return to Madrid, the best team in Europe. There I got serious with my weight. My partner helped me a lot. “

Campazzo has played his third Olympic Games in Tokyo, but in the first (London 2012) fulfilled a dream. “I was playing with Ginobili, Nocioni …. I was nervous and scared. In certain situations I am somewhat shy“And from that date he also took another unforgettable memory.”If someone from the future comes to tell me that I was going to plug Kobe Bryant, it would seem like a joke. I played in the Play with him ”. But Campazzo was also at the farewell to the Golden Generation of Argentine basketball. “The Rio Games were unforgettable for that.” And warn that “There will be a before and after in Scola’s retirement from the Argentine team”.

Campazzo won the silver in the 2019 World Cup in China (he lost the final to Spain) and believes that the key was “in not comparing himself to the Golden Generation.” “In the final, we ran into a reality: Spain was a great team.”

Now live a new life in the NBA, which has also caused certain changes in their day to day. “I took the Play off when I was on the Nuggets. My player sucks at 2K. He wanted to play with me, but he didn’t give the level. “Despite the fame that the Argentines have, in the North American League he has become someone quiet.” The players talk a lot. I can’t play and talk at the same time. And then they put it on top. I only speak if they tell me something. “

That shyness of which he spoke at the beginning has also prevented him from meeting Messi. “I had the opportunity, but I was embarrassed. I was in a panic. Cristiano, on the other hand, I did know him. “

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