Home World Brazilian senators want to indict Bolsonaro for ten crimes

Brazilian senators want to indict Bolsonaro for ten crimes

The words are very harsh. In the report unveiled by the parliamentary commission of inquiry in Brazil on the management of the Covid-19 epidemic, President Jair Bolsonaro is severely questioned. No wonder, since the commission was launched by a group of opponents, but also because the responsibility of Bolsonaro, who had described the disease as “flu”, is real.

The country is the second most bereaved in the world with more than 600,000 dead. Faced with this disaster, the senators therefore retained the qualification of “crime against humanity” to point out the inaction of the far-right head of state. They believe that Bolsonaro “deliberately exposed” Brazilians to “mass contamination” by Covid-19.

The ICC notably denounced the “deliberate delay” in the acquisition of vaccines, the Bolsonaro government having preferred to promote ineffective “early treatments” such as hydroxychloroquine against the virus, with “tragic consequences” for the population. The investigation also focuses on the government’s responsibilities in the severe oxygen shortage that has caused the death of dozens of patients by asphyxiation in Manaus.

Unlikely prosecutions

In addition to the “crime against humanity”, which can be tried at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the rapporteur Renan Calheiros has retained nine charges ranging from “charlatanism” to “incitement to crime” through “breaches of sanitary measures” and “prevarication”.

Jair Bolsonaro immediately defended himself by charging the ICC and said he was “guilty of absolutely nothing”. “We know we did the right thing from the start,” he insisted, during an official ceremony. An indictment remains unlikely given the support of the president in the prosecution and in the Assembly.

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