Bitcoin statistics – the magical world of the blockchain

The last full Bitcoin comes into existence in October of the year 2103 and the last satoshi is mined in May 2137. It is almost unimaginable to think that we no longer experience that moment and Bitcoin survives us in that sense. With the current block subsidy of 6.25 Bitcoin that miners receive for mining a block, Bitcoin’s annual inflation rate is 1.76 percent.

Total number of transactions

Thanks to the transparent nature of Bitcoin, we can’t just learn everything about the supply. The activity in the network can also be mapped with this. For example, did you know that there have been 752,994,378 transactions in the entire history of Bitcoin? That Bitcoin has processed 7,678,989 transactions in the past 30 days?

With over 7.6 million transactions over the past 30 days, Bitcoin is at an average of 2.9 transactions per second. This puts Bitcoin far from the maximum of about 7 transactions per second. It just goes to show that the current bear market is having an impact on the network’s popularity. If the price falls, you will also see the activity in the network fall.

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