Home Crypto Bitcoin already 270 days without an all-time high, how long do we...

Bitcoin already 270 days without an all-time high, how long do we have to wait?

Bitcoin Rises While Stocks Drop, Nasdaq Correlation Weakens

Bitcoin is currently trading without an all-time high for 270 days. Seasoned hodlers probably won’t mind, but for beginners it can be frustrating. After all, like anyone just starting the crypto adventure, they bought Bitcoin to get rich quick.

How long until the next all-time high?

The big question, of course, is: how long will we have to wait for the next all-time high for Bitcoin? Perhaps the chart below can enlighten us a bit. From this information we can conclude that after a series of all-time highs twice, Bitcoin had to do without for at least 1,000 days.

If the past is a good predictor of the future, we may well have to wait another 800 days for the next all-time high. Which would mean we have to wait at least until the end of 2024 for another Bitcoin bang. On the one hand, that’s a shame, but on the other, it gives us a lot of time to collect more Bitcoin. Provided, of course, that you are convinced that buying Bitcoin is a good idea.

Waiting for the fat years

The year 2022 has been one of the worst years in Bitcoin history to date. The graph below shows that the current vintage has to a large extent even dipped below the performance of the year 2018. At the time of writing, we seem to have risen above that somewhat, but it is not very promising for the rest of 2022.

The rest of the year 2022 seems to depend mainly on the development of macroeconomic conditions. The new US inflation figures will be published next Wednesday at 2.30 pm. If they are high again, we will probably have to deal with another blow.

Especially because the job market in the United States is strong at the moment and that the Federal Reserve gives room to raise interest rates further. In that regard, an exciting week or at least an exciting first half of the week is coming up for Bitcoin.

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