Binaural music created for napping

Composer Carlos Vera Tamarit, a specialist in generating musical sensations and experiences, composed a work of exactly 25.8 minutes (which should last the perfect snooze), at a rate of 70 bpm, which is the rhythm of our heart while we sleep. The composition includes sounds of cicadas, beach, breeze, etc. that generate a 3D sound sensation thanks to binaural treatment. It includes what is known as ‘pink noise’ throughout the range, a constant level sound in all octave bands that aids relaxation and improves sleep quality.

The composition, which they call a “summer lullaby” is an initiative of happy Friday and you can hear it Spotify.

25.8 minutes is the exact time to enjoy a nap that leaves us as new. A custom of our own that brings multiple benefits, as indicated by Nuria Roure, a psychologist specializing in sleep disorders and bestselling author i finally sleep (Random Penguin, 2022):

“There is nothing more refreshing and restful than a good nap. Today we know that there are many benefits that it provides, such as reducing stress, improving our mood, reducing blood pressure (reduces the risk of cardiovascular death by 37%) or strengthening the immune system. It has also been shown that after a nap we work more and better cognitively speaking, we are more active, we have a better ability to learn and concentrate, it is easier for us to make good decisions and we are more creative and innovative.”

Adapt work hours to nap

The nap must have certain characteristics: it must be short, not longer than 30 minutes, and it must not be taken after 4 pm.

There are many companies like Google, Nasa or Nike, which are already aware of these benefits and therefore allow it during working hours, and in some countries it is even institutionalized, as in Japan. Of course, the nap must have certain characteristics: it must be short, not longer than 30 minutes, and it must not be taken after 4 pm, because if we do not fulfill either of these two requirements, we can wake up with the feeling of ‘hangover’ and/or take a nap. hours of sleep at night. In summary, the nap can be seen as a luxury that brings us well-being, but at the same time it is also very necessary for those people who do not have quality sleep at night or do not get enough sleep, as it can help improve their health. . Not only physical, but also mental.

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Happyfriday, the company that made it possible

And to set the soundtrack to our summer naps, happy Friday with the help of the Valencian music producer and composer, Carlos Vera Tamarit, specialist in generating sensations and experiences from music and sound. ‘La nana del Verano’ created by this composer, lasts exactly 25.8 minutes and was made from different summer hits from the last few years, totally transformed.

For this transformation, we work at a rhythm of 70 bpm, which is the rhythm of our heart while we sleep, and using frequencies prevailing at 432 Hz, which is considered by many to be the frequency of happiness. In addition, the atmosphere is completed with natural sounds inspired by summer (cicadas, beach, breeze, etc.) that generate a 3D sound sensation in the listener thanks to the binaural treatment. On the other hand, what’s known as ‘pink noise’ has been included throughout the range, a constant level sound across all octave bands that helps you relax and improves sleep quality.

Dr. Nuria Roure thus explains the benefits of binaural music:

“To rest well and fall asleep easily, we need not only a physical but also a mental disconnect. This type of music, binaural, has shown a great ability to reduce stress, improve sleep and cognitive ability. These sounds create slower frequency brain waves that promote deeper states of relaxation. Slow frequency brainwaves are what help us to reduce our anxiety, achieve greater relaxation and enjoy better quality and deeper sleep.”

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