Binance CEO: former FTX CEO is one of the biggest fraudsters ever

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao once again lashes out at former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried by placing him among the biggest fraudsters in history. The implosion of the FTX trading platform resulted in millions of people losing their wealth. Not only among the users of FTX, but also for people who invest in crypto because the market completely collapsed after the news.

SBF is a master manipulator

In a thread on Twitter, Binance’s CEO shares his thoughts on the events of the past month. “He is a master manipulator of media and knowledge leaders,” Zhao said.

Furthermore, Zhao dismisses the claim that he liquidated FTX with his message of November 6 to the realm of fables. In that post, Binance’s CEO stated that his exchange platform wanted to sell all of FTX’s tokens due to Alameda Research’s weak balance sheet.

“No healthy business can be destroyed by a tweet. Although there was a message from Caroline Ellison (CEO Alameda Research) that came 16 minutes after mine on November 6. The data shows that this message ultimately caused the real dump,” said Zhao.

Changpeng Zhao is not alone

Incidentally, Zhao is not the only influential figure in the industry to harshly criticize Bankman-Fried. Kraken CEO Jesse Powell is also furious about the acting of the fallen CEO of FTX. “I think he didn’t care or he had way too much confidence. In the end it doesn’t matter. The reality is that he knew he was gambling with his clients’ money,” said Powell.

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Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong is completely surprised that Sam Bankman-Fried is still on the loose. Armstrong made these statements during the a16z Crypto Founders Summit, an event for big names in the industry.

“The law in the United States is difficult for crypto companies to understand and lawmakers are failing to come up with a workable solution,” thus Armstrong in Nov. According to Coinbase’s CEO, this ensures that more and more parties choose countries such as the Bahamas, with all the consequences that entails.

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