Big statement from BCCI treasurer on Ranji Trophy, he said: he plans to organize it in two phases

Image source: PTI

The Treasurer of the Board of Cricket of India (BCCI), Arun Dhumal, provided great insights into the organization of the Ranji Trophy. Dhumal said on Thursday that the board plans to organize the Ranji Trophy in two phases. Due to the increase in cases of Kovid-19 in the country, the board had to postpone this first-level competition.

The BCCI is planning to organize the Indian Premier League (IPL) from March 27 and in such a situation, organizing the Ranji Trophy in a single phase does not seem possible, but after the request of various state units, the board discussed it in the meeting. After the meeting, Dhumal told PTI: “We are exploring the possibility of hosting the Ranji Trophy. When it was postponed, the cases were on the rise. Now the cases seem to be on the decline. The management team is working on whether we can host the stage of the league next month and complete the rest of the tournament later (IPL)”.

BCCI President Sourav Ganguly and Secretary Jay Shah also participated in the meeting. According to the current plan, the league phase will be held for a month from February to March, while the next phase will be held in June-July when the monsoon starts in some areas of the country, while the summer is at its peak in some parts. Dhumal said: “The operations team will also work on the availability of venues and players as well as the weather. We are looking forward to hosting the tournament and are therefore exploring possibilities to host it without compromising player safety. Let us tell you that 38 teams participate in the Ranji Trophy. It was going to be held from January 13, but was postponed indefinitely due to the third wave of Kovid-19.

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