The trailer of the movie Thanks for Coming has been released and fans are already looking forward to the movie after seeing the trailer. In the film, Bhumi Pednekar, Shahnaz, Gill, Kusha Kapila, Dolly Singh and Shibani Bedi along with the army of girls are ready to make a splash. Karan Kundrra and Anil Kapoor will also appear in the film.
Bhumi Pednekar’s leading man, Thank For Coming, is slated to hit theaters on October 6th this year. The actress shared the film’s trailer on her Instagram and wrote, “This princess’ fairy tale is one of a kind.” Don’t forget to catch “Thanks for Coming” in cinemas.
Watching the trailer, it looks like Bhumi and her gang of girls consisting of Shehnaaz, Dolly and Shibani are helping Bhumi to navigate her difficult sex life. On the other hand, Kusha is his enemy who often makes fun of him. Karan Kundra Bha stars in the trailer and veteran Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor also stars.