Betis can place William Carvalho thanks to Atlético

Three-way operation removes Portuguese midfielder from Heliópolis

The market for signings for him Betis stop by to find a guarantee buyer for the Portuguese William Carvalho. In these, an operation in which the Atlético de Madrid it can be of great help. We talk about Franck kessie. great goal of Simeone in Italy.

Let us remember that the African is one of the best in the A series in its demarcation and for that reason it has captured all the attention of several clubs. In addition, it is one of the positions that needs to be reinforced Diego Pablo Simeone since there it has shown weaknesses. Of course, this movement could have some implications in the Real Betis.

Tottenham Kessie
Kessié heads to Atlético

Kessié goal of Atlético

And it is that AC Milan knows that the departure of Franck Kessié to Atlético de Madrid would be imminent, so they are looking for a replacement. In that order of ideas, one of the great players would be at Benito Villamarín. We are talking about William Carvalho, a player who has become key for Pellegrini.

Due to the good form of the Portuguese midfielder, he has once again won a position as a starter. For this reason it is one of those mentioned by Paolo Maldini and an express request from Stefano Pioli for the following season. Without a doubt, it would be a complex loss for the Verdiblancos.

William Carvalho can finish in Milan

He is a very complete player in his demarcation, which can contribute both in defense and attack, for that reason he is well valued. In the event of the departure of Franck Kessié to Atlético, it will be inevitable that Real Betis can retain the player. Of course, the club that wants him will have to assume about 15 million euros.

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We will have to finally wait for what can happen with this movement. For now, the sports management in charge of Antonio Cordón will begin to look for a possible replacement for the Portuguese in case he finally becomes the reinforcement of AC Milan for the next transfer market.

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