Belgian Stan Van Tricht signs for Deceuninck-Quick-Step

Belgian cyclist Stan Van Tricht, who was part of the SEG Racing Academy continental team, has been made official this Tuesday as the new signing of the Deceuninck-Quick Step with whom he will sign his first contract as a professional after completing his trial period. “I was very happy when I heard the news. Once I was here as a ‘stagiaire’ I knew that I wanted to stay with the wolf pack. It was a good moment where we won five of the seven races in which I participated, including one for me, “said the 22-year-old through a video posted on social networks of the formation that leads the UCI world team classification.

During his period as ‘stagiaire’ of the ‘Wolfpack’, Van Tricht had important performances including his triumph in the 77th edition of the Gullegem Koerse in his country, as well as a second place in the Coppa della Pace in Italy and a third place in the International Tour of Rhodes in Greece. “Obviously we knew Stan was a strong and talented rider, so we offered him the opportunity to try us. From the moment he entered, he impressed us with his attitude and work ethic. His victory at Gullegem shows that he is very strong. and we look forward to working on its development in the years to come, “said Patrick Lefevere, CEO of Deceuninck-Quick-Step. The incorporation of Van Tricht joins the renewals of the also Belgian Stijn Steels that was announced this Monday and that of the Czech Zdenek Stybar that was made public last week, like the most recent movements of the squad that has the current world road champion, the Frenchman Julian Alaphilippe.

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