Ban on Russian goods, is Poland going to take “Uterine”? –

WARSAW: Paul Ponsel Jose, a member of the Polish Citizens’ Coalition in Parliament, told state radio that the Polish government was quick to ban Russian coal, saying a sudden cut in supplies would hurt the common man. ۔

He said that this is a problem today. Such radical decisions were taken very hastily.

He said that for a country which had been increasing its Russian coal imports for years and was also dependent on Russian coal, it was a very wrong and hasty decision to cut off the supply completely.

“We are moving from one extreme to the other. Government decisions in recent years have led to the fact that we have exceeded 10 million tonnes of coal imports from Russia,” he said.

We now have a sudden cut in imports from Russia, which is somewhat detrimental to Russia but even more detrimental to Polish citizens who have coal-fired stoves.

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