Avengers: Infinity War: The long scene of Thanos conquering Xandar was cut during editing

If the mcu has all the difficulties in the world at present to keep the interest of fans over time, as evidenced by the mediocre score of Ant Man 3 and the rather moribund interest displayed for the trailer of The Marvelseveryone remembersAvengers: Infinity War. Crossover XXL, the blockbuster of Russo Brothers got everyone on board with the introduction of the hugely popular Titan mad Thanoson a quest to retrieve the six Infinity Stones and wipe out half the universe with the snap of his fingers. Infinity War registered Thanos in the pantheon of the best villains of cinema and, as rare as it was, his feature film was hailed by critics while being a hit at the box office (over $2 billion in worldwide revenue).

We come back at length in our analyzes to the reasons why Infinity War is better in every way that Endgame and our feelings about the waste of Thanos during the last avengers. After recovering the stones one by one, Thanos kills half the population of the universe. In EndgameTHE avengers go the opposite way and end up defeating the character – variant of the year 2014 – in a final duel. Since this epic conclusion, it is no longer a secret for anyone: Marvel never managed to come up with a villain that comes close to him. kangwho must take on this new role, saw his debut considerably massacred with the bad third film of the adventures ofAnt-Man.

Ant-Man 3 © Disney
Ant-Man 3 © Disney

In Infinity War, Thanos directly begins his quest with the Stone of Power (violet) in the pocket. It is thus suggested off-screen that the Titan and his army decimated xandarcentral city of the action of Guardians of the Galaxy, where the stone was kept. Guest on the show Near Mint Condition on Youtube, Jim Starlinthe creator of Thanosrevealed that the character’s prologue showing his conquest of xandar had been cut from the film:

“But about a month before the movie was released, I got an email from Joe (Russo) who said, ‘The 45 minutes of Thanos we had at the start of Infinity War, we cut them.’ There was a whole sequence where he got the First Stone and they had to cut it. They shot it, but they never wanted to spend the money on effects and they didn’t want the movie to be as long as Avengers: Endgame. They didn’t realize he was going to be so successful. »

A damaging fact so much the war on xandar reportedly enhancing the power and aura of Thanos who nevertheless knew how to mark the spirits anyway. The opening scene where he steals the space stone from the Asgardians sees him kill half the people of Thorcut down coldly heimdall And Loki before leaving the corpse of the God of Thunder to sail through space.

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