Home Sports Atlético’s solution to fix historical nonsense with Wass

Atlético’s solution to fix historical nonsense with Wass

Simeone agrees with the operation and gives him his ok

The coach of Athletic he is not very convinced by what the Danish midfielder has done so far Daniel Wass. The player landed on the Wanda and from minute 0 he has not shown what Simeone wanted him to show when I saw him in the Valencia. He spent a season without pain or glory, although he only acted half a campaign since he arrived in the winter market.

The decision of Argentine mister was clear, it will not have the Danish and the sports management has already asked for a player to act as a midfielder and as Right side. While Bertha gets a footballer with those characteristics, he must solve the Wass scenario to give him an outlet in this same summer market.

Athletic Wass
The Dane does not feel comfortable in Simeone’s squad and also wants to leave this summer.

A team in Madrid wants to accommodate Wass if he leaves Atlético

Having a contract with the rojiblanco team until 2023, the only way for the Nordic to leave Wanda is through a transfer. It cost Atlético 2.7 kilos when it was valued at 6 million euros, the same figure for which he is valued now. Therefore, the minimum they could accept for him is an operation that is around 3 or more kilos.

That is what they have told Getafe CF, who have expressed their desire to sign the versatile midfielder. The player’s entourage is pleased with the offer, as it means he won’t have to move his residence to another city. Daniel Wass feels comfortable in the Spanish capital but not very comfortable in the Colchonero team.

Daniel Wass rules out a return to Valencia and says he prefers to stay at Atlético

Another option raised by the Madrid team was to return the player to Mestalla, but his agent said no. It is clear that the player is looking for new horizons and that would be going backwards in his plan. With this decision, the Azulón team returns to the leadership in search of the signing.

Atlético is also interested in Getafe signing Wass as they need to free up a place for the hiring of a natural right-back. We must not forget that Sime Vrsaljko is also leaving, and the squad would be left without a single cash on the right side. For now, Andrea Berta is trying to speed up the negotiations with the Azulón team for the Dane’s departure.

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