Atlético solves a big problem with Lodi

From the mattress team they are still aware of the future of the Brazilian and could solve a big problem in winter

The Atletico Madrid It is pending to solve several pending that it has from the past market and one of them has to do with Renan Lodi. The left side is on loan at the Nottingham Forest of the Premier League, where he is not having the season he expected. It seems an imminent return, so the rojiblancos will have to resolve their future.

Let’s remember that the Brazilian is one of the discards by Diego Pablo Simeone and before a possible return, they would ask for his departure again. His exit has been sought for a long time and with the shipment to the English team they were able to solve this mess. Although the newly promoted painting has raised the transfer of the left-handedThey would only do so if they ensure permanence.

athletic lodi
The mattresses do not want the return of the side and are looking for a new destination

Atlético de Madrid suddenly solves the mess with Renan Lodi

In this way, Atlético de Madrid would have found a good opportunity to resolve the future of Lodi. His return is more than confirmed, since Nottingham has everything to return to the Championship. Of course, suitors are not lacking and there would be one who could suddenly solve the problem with the carioca.

In that order of ideas, Atlético Paranaense would be the squad that would be willing to accommodate the footballer. Although he would return to Brazil, it would be the opportunity for the player to resume his best feelings. They want to make an offer that can convince the colchoneros and they could achieve it since they are the current runners-up in the Libertadores and want to go for more.

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Atlético Paranaense claims it again

This would then be the movement that Atlético de Madrid could do with Renan Lodi. In any case, from the mattress entity they are clear that they do not want to count on the player anymore, so they hope that he can return to Brazil without problems. There is expectation for what can happen with this operation.

We will have to wait then for the future of the left back. For the moment, the offer that they could receive would be key and they would not let it pass. With the departure of the defender, some additional operations could take place, which is a priority for Andrea Berta. The idea is that the left-handed player gains value and can leave in a short-term transfer.

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