Atlético finds a destination for Saúl in the January market

The Spanish international is having a season to forget, as he has not managed to perform at a good level either in midfield or being used as a left back

After a season on loan at Chelsea, Saúl returned to Atlético de Madrid amid many rumors. Many were those who assured that the footballer would be transferred or transferred again, since in the London team he had not made merits to return to the rojiblanco club and be a important man as he once was for Simeone. But in the preseason he earned a place on the team.

The Argentine coach’s confidence in his pupil was key for him to continue at the club, although his performance has not lived up to expectations. That is why in the month of January your situation could change, because big changes are expected in the club. And it is that, without European competition in the second half of the season, Saúl’s opportunities at Atlético de Madrid will be even more reduced.

Atletico Saul
Saúl’s performances have not been of the expected level

Saúl, the next to leave Atlético de Madrid

A lot has been said in recent weeks about all the footballers who could leave the rojiblanco team. Joao Félix and Matheus Cunha are two fixed to leave the team, but other players like Felipe or Carrasco also aim to leave, who will also run out of opportunities under Simeone’s orders.

Now, another of the names that is on the exit ramp is that of Saúl, who despite his notable drop in performance in recent seasons continues to enjoy a very good poster in the Santander League. Especially because of his versatility, since he is capable of playing in any position in midfield, as a left back and even as a center back.

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The team that wants to recover the best Saúl

After hearing the rumors that place the footballer out of the rojiblanco team in the January market, we have met a team that would be very interested in getting his signing. This is a team in which Saúl has already played and which has now established itself in the upper zone of the table. And that team is none other than Rayo Vallecano.

According to what we have been able to learn, Iraola would have given the go-ahead to the operation, as he considers that he could be a very useful player in the second half of the season. In addition, in this way he would complete the midfield, which is one of the positions that worries the club the most at the moment. On his part, everything seems to indicate that Atlético de Madrid would not put obstacles to the departure of Saúl in January.

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