Home Sports Atlético already knows the final price of La Fiorentina for Vlahovic

Atlético already knows the final price of La Fiorentina for Vlahovic

For the colchoneros, as for the rest of the competitors, the possibility of seeing the Balkan gunner in their ranks has been complicated.

The price they have delegated for the Serbian striker from Fiorentina continues to be of enormous importance, Dusan Vlahovic. Yes, in the last week it has been known that of the Initial 40 kilos, the Italian viola now are only going to enter to negotiate for their cost of clause, that is, 90 million euros.

Devastating news for clubs like Atlético de Madrid, which had been one of the last to appear on that list thanks to their unmistakable need to nurture the area that the Uruguayan will leave empty. Luis Suarez. In this way, the fight seems to have been limited to the giants with economic muscle, call yourselves Manchester City and Juventus of Turin.

Athletic Berta
Berta was drawn as one of her main objectives, the signing of Dusan Vlahovic.

For Atlético, his options for Dusan Vlahovic have been limited based on his last-minute extended price.

As is well known, Atlético de Madrid had estimated his capture as a resounding element of obsession. The lack of centralized goals in his forwards was being a subject of deep analysis and seeing the improvement in this player’s performance, he had gained strength. The problem now is the payment margin, which has nothing to do with the figures stipulated before this news.

They will have to come out of at least a couple of elite footballers, as if to arrive at the final price, and to that we must add the high token that they are going to ask for for sure. It is there where the strong ones of the market gain the pulse that for this case they are closed to two. On the one hand a Manchester City that has arrived in extremis, and on the other Juventus that has been the closest to offer space.

The player’s taste will be counted above the rest of the reasons

Juventus has in favor of not making him change his course so drastically, although that comes without counting his perception of the Premier League. That is why personal intentionality is described, because as he has repeated in his interviews to all the media, he will seek in his career to reach the top in the place where better conditions are guaranteed.

Pep Guardiola has the ace up his sleeve of being linked to a team much better made and projected to international conquest. That could be key, without ignoring the enormous emporium of the owners who could add a very important token to unbalance everything. Anyway, it seems that those 10 goals in 13 games are increasingly far from Fiorentina, which has that money to balance cash.

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