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Arroyo Barril tourism project will have an investment of 70 million dollars, says Dgapp

Proyecto turístico de Arroyo Barril tendrá inversión de 70 millones de dólares, dice Dgapp

The project tourist in Arroyo Barril,Samana,that contemplates the conversioneithern Puerto Duarte in a cruise terminal and a space for entertainmentfor visitorswould have an investment of US$70 million, equivalent to almost four billion pesos.

The information was released this Monday by Sigmun Freund, executive director of the General Directorate of Public-Private Partnerships (Dgapp), who said that one of the two tenders closed in 2022 was that of the port project.

During an interview on the show "today"Color Visión (channel 9), the public official categorized this tender as “important” due to the social impact it will have for a relevant area in the country such as a cruise terminal.

Likewise, Freund explained that, in the tender presented in October 2022, 2 Mexican companies are participating, which he considered “very important.”

According to the executive director, the Dgapp seeks to transform Puerto Duarte into a cruise terminal, since it has been “disused” for many years.

“In addition to the port, the project entails the construction of entertainment areas, shopping areas, and restaurants,” Freund pointed out.

The executive director also specified that the project will have an investment of USD 70 million in the first 2 years, equivalent to almost four billion pesos (RD$3,955,260,470.00). Similarly, it will generate 5,000 to 6,000 jobs directly.

bidding stage

After the journalist Danny Alcántara asked his guest about the stage of the aforementioned tender, Freund explained that “the first phase, qualification of bidders, as the law calls it, was concluded and this week the term ends. for the deposit of technical proposals for us to review those proposals and award”.

According to the official, this process would be ending at the end of this month.

Public Trusts Law

Sigmun Freund also spoke about the “Public Trusts” bill, explaining that it is an issue that has already been “developing for years” in the country, and that it was not the Luis Abinader government that invented it.

“It was not us who pulled the Public Trusts up our sleeves. These are the result of a law of the year 2011…, and began to be born from a regulation that was issued in the government of former president Danilo Medina, on 95-12″, said the executive director.

Given this, he expressed that the objective of his government for this bill is to establish a “regulatory framework” so as not to continue working without regulating its operations.

“We do believe in Public Trusts, that is important. We do not criticize it, quite the contrary, some of these created by the Medina administration, we have potentiated it,” said Freund.

Also, the official stressed that the Public Trusts are already “here”, they are a “reality” in the country, and “they will continue to expand”.

On the other hand, Freund explained that this bill is not a “privatizing” element.

“This bill, as its name indicates, is a project to regulate public Trusts, that is, public participation. From the moment in which there is a private participation, this bill will not be able to regulate them”, emphasized the executive director.

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