Amazon plans to apply AI to create advertising campaigns

The race of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) intensifies and Amazon doesn’t want to be left behind. Now, according to her post The Informationthe company founded by Jeff Bezos would be working on the formation of a team for the development of AI tools that result in photos and videos that advertisers can use in campaigns advertising on your platform.

Amazon’s main objective would be diversify and strengthen your advertising business versus its rivals Google and Goal. To do this, as published Forbes, Amazon would be looking to attract advertisers linked to products that contain generative artificial intelligence; and hopes to find new ways to place these ads across Amazon’s variety of businesses.

In this line, explains the aforementioned medium, the company led by Andy Jassy would see opportunities in many areasas the selling sports ads on Freeveeits free video streaming service, as well as during Thursday night football broadcasts on Prime Video. I would also like to take more advantage of the Audio Ads on Amazon Music and even run digital ads on screens inside grocery stores Amazon Fresh.

The company thus continues its commitment to AI to boost the possibilities of its different services and not be left behind in the race for innovation in terms of this tool. Another proof of this was the launch last April of bedrock, your own cloud service for AI-generated text and images. As the company explained, through bedrockAWS will offer its users the option of the Amazon Titan model and various start-up business models, including Anthropic Claude (a Google-backed rival to ChatGPT from former OpenAI employees), Jurassic-2 by AI21 (a language model that specializes in Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, and Dutch) and stable diffusion (a popular open source image generator). He advertising business Amazon generated $38 billion in revenue last year and is expected to rise substantially this year as well.

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The generative artificial intelligence It is being adopted across multiple industries to save time and cost on tasks like creating images, producing text summaries, or generating email responses. Among other things, the large advertising platforms are betting on this technology with an eye on facilitating the execution and activation of campaigns and ads.

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