Alpine’s radical turn changes the future of Fernando Alonso

The team leader, Otmar Szafnauer referred to the Asturian pilot’s World Cup

Optimism among the most faithful fans of the motoring seems to stay intact in the team Alpine and it goes even more after the Canadian Grand Prixwhere the single-seater Fernando Alonso ended up starting second in the race after an almost brilliant last lap at Q3. Without a doubt, it was the best.

Everything is possible. Or at least that’s what they think within the french team, where they continue with the hope of being able to reach the first positions at some point until the end of season. They know that it is very complicated, or practically impossible, to catch up and overtake Mercedes in the Builders World Cup.

The performance of Alonso's A522 has improved
From Alpine they want to continue counting on Fernando Alonso

Alpine has all the positive attitude for the position of Fernando Alonso

At this point the options are minimal. But they would welcome fourth place. “We have to be realistic, but I think if we do a good job between now and the end of the season, finishing a solid fourth in the World Championship would be very good for us,” says Otmar Szafnauer.

Although the result of the weekend was not what was expected, far from a podium that was closer, the truth is that it seems that positivity has been ignited in the team, which sees it feasible to be at the top in one of the races that remain between now and the end of the season.

The trajectory of the Spaniard in Canada was applauded by many fans

“If we are lucky, a podium or a victory is possible. However, keeping an eye out and trying to overtake the third team on the grid with the races remaining will be difficult. The good thing is that from time to time, a podium or a victory are things that can happen, ”he assumes.

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Let us remember that in Canada Alonso crossed the finish line in seventh place in the last Grand Prix, but finally a penalty relegated him to ninth place. “Fernando qualified on the front row and was very strong from the start, it was a shame the problems that made him drop to ninth place”, analyzes Szafnauer.

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