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Alonso trusts Brivio

Alonso confía en Brivio

The desire of Formula 1 to expand horizons and increase its presence in all parts of the globe, now leads to Big circus to Qatar. Losail circuit, great protagonist of MotoGP after 15 years inaugurating each new season, also makes its debut in the four-wheel competition and all the teams arrive blindly … although with Alpine as a gifted student. The French team added this year to its ranks Davide Brivio, former project manager at Suzuki en the Motorcycle World Championship, and the Italian knows very well the characteristics of a track on which Fernando Alonso has been advised.

“Losail it is a clue that we do not know very well, but it has been on the MotoGP calendar for many years “, the Asturian began recognizing in the run-up to the start of the grand prix, and confessed the help of Brivio when facing a weekend in which they hope to overcome the drop in performance who suffered especially in the American triplet: “I have spoken with Davide Brivio about the circuit, since he is the one with the most experience of the whole team. They have run good categories before, the facilities are good and generally good weather is guaranteed. “

The truth is that in March, when the MotoGP World Championship lands, the wind takes a large part of the limelight during the weekend and although the streaks will intensify during Sunday’s day in the visit of F1, the forecast points to a dry weekend where the temperatures will accompany. That means that setbacks are not expected, at least meteorological, and that the sensations collected “in simulators and ‘on boards” will serve. That has been the training that Fernando has resorted to the most before reaching a track like Losail’s, “that seems fast”, and that has also brought out the most curious side of Fernando: “It will be interesting to see how a Formula 1 behaves on this circuit compared to a MotoGP. “

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