Home World Algeria closes airspace to all Moroccan planes after tensions with Rabat

Algeria closes airspace to all Moroccan planes after tensions with Rabat

On Aug. 24, Algeria cut diplomatic ties with Morocco after months of heightened tensions between these two rival Maghreb countries.

Algeria decided on Wednesday, September 22, to close “immediate “ from its airspace to all Moroccan civil and military aircraft, as well as to aircraft registered in Morocco, announced the presidency.

The decision to close the airspace was made “in view of the continuation of provocations and hostile practices by Morocco”, said a statement. This decision was announced at the end of a meeting of the HCS, chaired by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and dedicated to analyzing the situation on the border with Morocco.

On Aug. 24, Algeria cut diplomatic ties with Morocco after months of heightened tensions between these two rival Maghreb countries. Algeria’s Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra criticized Rabat for “never failed to carry out hostile actions against Algeria”. “The Moroccan security and propaganda services are waging a despicable war against Algeria, its people and its leaders,” he had accused.

Traditionally difficult, relations between Algeria and its Moroccan neighbor have recently deteriorated due, in particular, to the thorny issue of Western Sahara. The normalization of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Israel, in exchange for American recognition of the “sovereignty” Morocco in this territory further increased tensions with Algeria, support for the Palestinian cause, which denounced maneuvers forgot “ with the aim of destabilizing it.

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