Home World Agriculture minister claims chicken is going down

Agriculture minister claims chicken is going down

Ministro de Agricultura afirma pollo está bajando

Despite the constant complaints of the citizens before the increase in the prices of the basic products of the family basket, The Minister of Agriculture, Limber Cruz, assured yesterday that the cost of chicken meat has decreased considerably.

“We met with the chicken producers, we have brought new fertile ones to incubate them. There is a production and you have already seen how it has stabilized, the price has decreased. I would say that it has been going down gradually,” Cruz commented as a result of the measures taken by the head of state and the agricultural sector.

attributed that the reflected scarcity of chicken in the markets is due to the decrease in the consumption of pork, after African swine fever was detected in the country and that for this reason the buyers substituted the meat.

“The supply of chicken in summer decreases due to mortality, there are many chickens that suffocate due to the heat,” the official highlighted as another of the factors of shortage.

deliver check
In the press conference, Cruz delivered in his second stage, a new check with the sum of RD$38.5 million to poultry producers affected by the overproduction of the egg, while in the first installment the amount was 9 million pesos.

The RD$38.5 million are for the purchase of 21 million units of eggs to supply the market and maintain better prices for buyers.

According to the authorities, to date they have provided a total of 47 million pesos to the producers and will continue with the commitment to guarantee the production of the eggs in any circumstance.

During the activity, the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Institute for Price Stabilization (Inespre) reported that the price of eggs will be 4.90 pesos.

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