Home Sports Advanced steps at Valencia CF to relieve Cavani: principle of agreement

Advanced steps at Valencia CF to relieve Cavani: principle of agreement

The Uruguayan will not continue after losing ownership in the last clashes and Baraja has already chosen the great favorite

It seems evident that despite the great impact caused by the signing of Cavani by Valencia CF, it has not finally lived up to expectations. He came with the band of experience and the great numbers he had achieved in very powerful clubs like Napoli, PSG or Manchester United. In Mestalla he has not been able to succeed and his salary is prohibitive.

Although it is true that he began the season performing at a high level under the orders of Gattuso, in the second round everything changed for him. The constant physical problems have prevented him from performing at his best level and he has been in the background when the team was playing continuity. But despite this Cavani does not want to leave Valencia CF.

Valencia CF has doubts with Cavani
Cavani does not want to leave Valencia CF this summer

Cavani will not continue at Valencia CF

From what we have been able to learn in the last few hours, Cavani wants to fulfill his contract. This means that he will continue at Valencia CF next season, as his relationship with the club does not expire until 2024. However, what the footballer wants does not seem to match the club’s plans for the next campaign.

As we have known, Valencia CF wants to get rid of Cavani’s high salary, which is one of the best paid in the squad. There is a clear conflict of interest between the club and the player, who will have to sit down to negotiate this summer to see how their relationship continues. Be that as it may, the sports management has begun to search the market in search of a striker.

Lucas Boyé is the one that Baraja likes the most

If Cavani leaves, the only pure center forward of Valencia CF will be Hugo Duro. This is insufficient for a team that does not want to go through the difficulties that have gone through this season to achieve salvation. That is why they have set their sights on a footballer who has been relegated to the SmartBank League this season but who has more than demonstrated what he is capable of.

This striker is none other than Lucas Boyé, who is one of the names that the Valencian sports management is considering. The signing of him would not mean a large financial outlay and, furthermore, in geographical terms it would not mean a large displacement for the player and his family, which is already settled in the city. yes, before Valencia CF will have to solve their differences with Cavani.

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