Bollywood filmmaker and producer Aditya Chopra takes a look at his brother Uday Chopra’s acting career in the Netflix documentary The Romantics. Speaking about the nepotism debate for the first time, he shares why Yash Raj Films couldn’t make his own family a success.
The great filmmaker and head of YRF says that for starkids, the benefit is there until the audition or their first project. But then it stops. Aditya took his own brother and actor Uday Chopra as an example to further explain this.
He adds that despite being one of the biggest production companies, they couldn’t make their own family successful because the public wasn’t expecting it.
“One of the things that people often ignore is that not everyone with a privileged background is successful,” Aditya said. “I can report it without mentioning other people, but simply mentioning my own family. My brother is an actor. And he is not a successful actor, ”he says.
“Here is the son of one of the greatest filmmakers. He is the brother of a great filmmaker. Imagine; a company like YRF that introduced so many newcomers, but we couldn’t make it successful. Why couldn’t we do it ourselves? The bottom line is that only the audience has the last word: “I like this person, I want to see this person. Nobody else.”
Uday Chopra reveals in the same documentary that although he received many projects after Mohabbatein and Dhoom, he did not want to become a comedian. He wanted to be a leading man, but those weren’t the roles audiences wanted to see him in.