Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi made his acting debut 20 years ago with the film Company. Since then he has appeared in various hits such as Saathiya, Yuva, Kurbaan, Shootout at Lokhandwala, Krrish 3 and Rakta Charitra. But he too has had a rough patch in his career which was attributed to his feud with Salman Khan. In 2017 he made his comeback with the web series Inside Edge.
In a recent interview, he talks about his career.
“My relationship with success has evolved over time, as I have seen both successes and failures. Once you are successful you take it for granted. Once you lose it, you miss it and then you have to work harder. So yes, over time, with ups and downs, your relationship successfully changes.”
Vivek stresses that he has learned much more from his failures than from his successes. “Over time I realized that you should never be afraid of failure. Failure teaches you what success will never teach you.”
“Failure taught me to adjust my expectations and realize what I stand to lose if I fail. It also taught me to appreciate things more. In your life it is important to have both successes and failures.
Tips for young talents.
The 45-year-old actor has one more piece of advice for all young talents dreaming of a Bollywood career. “I want to tell everyone not to be sad when they fail. And when you do succeed, make sure you don’t let it go to your head. Because even after all the hard times in my life, I’m still here 20 years later. Bad times also pass.
“Yeah, don’t take success too seriously. It is true that if you fail there are 20 people to advise you for free. But when you are successful, you are surrounded by 200 people. Stay focused on your goal and what you want to become. Don’t get distracted by all the glamor around you,” Vivek said.