Home Science A herbal recipe for each chakra

A herbal recipe for each chakra

hiebas medicinales chakras

If you notice blockages in your chakras, it might be of interest to you to know a specific herbal recipe for each one. In some cases, the energy may not be flowing properly and natural herbs can be a useful tool to help restore a healthy balance to your chakra.


The root chakra is an energetic point located at the base of the spine. Its main function is to keep us connected to the earth as it is through this chakra that we receive the vital nutrients we need to survive. In addition, the root chakra also plays an important role in removing toxins from the body, releasing them and thus promoting our overall well-being.

When the chakra associated with the legs, feet, rectum, tailbone, immune system and vital energy becomes imbalanced, it can cause various problems in our body. These can include leg weakness, foot pain, digestive problems, and problems removing waste from the body. Additionally, an imbalance in this chakra can have a negative impact on our overall energy and vitality.

Dandelion root tea (Taraxacum) has been shown to be extremely effective in treating conditions such as indigestion, gallbladder problems and high blood pressure. It also acts as an excellent natural remedy for liver and kidney detoxification and offers additional health benefits.

Incorporating foods like carrots, potatoes, beets, radishes, onions, and garlic into our diet can have a calming effect on our root chakra. Known for their grounding properties, these foods can help balance this fundamental energy in our bodies.


The sacral chakra is located in the abdominal area, specifically between the ovaries in women and around the prostate in men. This chakra is notable for its connection to creative energy, mindfulness, and loving, ego-free expression.

If the chakra associated with this area is blocked, it can lead to various health problems. These include eating disorders, urinary tract problems and reproductive problems. In addition, occasional headaches, fever, and emotional imbalances are common.

Gatetemperania is a plant valued for its beneficial effects on the chakra. Both its roots and oil are used for various purposes. In addition, the flowers of this plant have a relaxing effect on the senses, which is why it is also known as a lucky herb.

Known for its healing properties, sandalwood can be of great help in treating various types of infections. Its components stimulate the growth of new cells and thus contribute to the recovery of the organism. You can reap these benefits by applying sandalwood oil to your body before you shower or to scent your home with it. In addition to those mentioned, there are other herbs and spices that also have a positive effect on our health. These include coriander, fennel, licorice, cinnamon, vanilla, carob, sweet paprika, and sesame and cumin.


The third chakra, also called the solar plexus, plays a crucial role in managing emotions and positive self-control. However, when this chakra becomes blocked, negative feelings such as low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety can arise. Learning to balance this chakra and release blockages is important to promote greater emotional stability and personal well-being.

It is important to emphasize how our emotions affect our physical body and can manifest in the form of ailments. This connection between emotions and health can lead to a variety of problems, including digestive disorders, ulcers, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, anorexia, bulimia, and even colon cancer.

There are several ways to unleash the flow of energy. One of them is the use of essential oils like lavender, bergamot or rosemary. Bergamot oil is known for its positive effects on the digestive system, as it speeds up digestion and reduces the burden on the intestinal tract.

In the Mediterranean region, rosemary is highly valued as an essential herb to promote gastrointestinal health.

An extremely versatile herb, rosemary can add a special touch to various dishes. Rosemary oil can also be used in cooking, giving it a unique flavor and health benefits. In addition, Althea has the ability to relax the third chakra and reduce our desire to control every aspect of our lives. This plant also helps to relax the diaphragm and allows us to reconnect with our conscious breathing. In addition to anise, celery, cinnamon, lily of the valley and mint, there are other herbs and spices that can be helpful. These include ginger, lemon balm, turmeric, cumin and rosemary.


The heart chakra, located at the center of our body’s energy system, is responsible for love, compassion, and forgiveness. When this chakra is blocked we can experience feelings of dissatisfaction and difficulty loving ourselves and others. In some situations, blood circulation and our physical condition can deteriorate. In addition, there may be a lack of empathy on an emotional level and devotion on a spiritual level.

The fourth chakra is an issue that encompasses a wide range of human emotions and experiences. Associated with this chakra are issues such as love, sadness, hate, anger, jealousy, fear and betrayal. In addition, the ability to heal ourselves and others is paramount.

Hawthorn berry or tea extract is known for its properties that promote confidence in the life process and instill a sense of security in following one’s heart. Regular intake of some natural ingredients such as cayenne pepper, jasmine, lavender, basil, sage and thyme can help strengthen the heart and blood vessels. These elements contain beneficial properties that promote good cardiovascular health.


The throat chakra is essential for self-expression and effective communication. When this chakra is in balance, our speech becomes clear and wise and we are able to express our intentions clearly. When our balance is compromised, it can lead to thyroid problems, laryngitis, and even emotional codependency. On a mental level, our thoughts can get confused and on a spiritual level, we might feel insecure.

Sometimes we find it difficult to communicate authentically, which can lead to nervousness, fear and anxiety. However, red clover blossoms can support the free flow of communication and express ourselves without restrictions. Red clover tea is known for its properties to release emotions and thoughts that may be stored inside us. A cup of this infusion can be a useful tool to explore and process our emotions so they can surface and be understood.

According to a survey conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center, lemon balm was found to have healing properties for various ailments, including thyroid disorders. In addition, eucalyptus oil is known for its effects in reducing congestion. A simple massage with a few drops of this oil on the neck can be helpful in relieving symptoms.

In addition to the herbs and spices mentioned, there are other ways that can also help with the throat chakra. One of these is coltsfoot, known for its effectiveness in treating coughs and irritating phlegm. Coltsfoot or coltsfoot is another excellent option as it has soothing and relaxing properties for the lungs. These herbs can also help regulate breathing and help clear mucus. Other examples include mint, pepper, sage, salt, and lemongrass.


The pineal gland and intuition are closely related. When the gland is clogged, there is often a lack of imagination and intuition, which can lead to wrong decisions and self-deception. When the third eye is physically weak, various symptoms affecting the eyes and ears can occur. Headaches, migraines and insomnia are also common. It’s even possible to have nightmares while you sleep.

Mint and Jasmine are herbs used to activate the sixth chakra. They are commonly used to treat ailments such as fatigue, migraines, and memory loss. In addition, these herbs promote a better connection between mind and body. If you are looking to balance your third eye chakra, there are several herbs and spices that can help. These include juniper, sage, poppy, rosemary and lavender. These plants have energizing and healing properties that can help restore balance to your third eye.


The crown chakra connects us to the divine universal energy. It is associated with wisdom, enlightenment and transcendence. When this chakra is open and pure, we experience a deep connection to divine and infinitely expansive cosmic love.

Connecting with the cosmic orchestra is essential to our spiritual well-being. When this connection is blocked, we feel a sense of disconnection and meaninglessness in our daily lives. On a physical level, excessive stress can have several negative effects on our health. These include fatigue, nervous system disorders, migraines, memory loss, dyslexia, and in extreme cases even delirium and cognitive problems.

Lavender and lotus flowers are known for their ability to help open the seventh chakra. Lavender, in particular, can be balanced with divine wisdom in everyday life and is a very popular herb for enhancing the meditation experience. Both the leaves and stems of the lotus flower are used extensively in Japanese and Chinese cuisine, with each part having its own unique benefits.

Lavender is an excellent choice to harmonize all chakras. You can incorporate it into your life in many ways, whether it’s showering with lavender products, relaxing baths, or through aromatherapy. These practices can amplify the benefits of connecting with the vibrational qualities of this plant and enjoying its properties to the fullest.

Using herbs and plants in our daily lives can have a positive impact on our well-being. These can help us balance our bodies and promote harmony and health. In addition, being in contact with nature through these plants allows us to connect with the natural environment that surrounds us, giving us a sense of calm and connectedness with our environment.

With information from ayurvedadeltibet.com

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