Why did the Afghan war fail? The top military leadership told everything

US Army Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Millie called the Afghan war a strategic failure and said the withdrawal from Afghanistan had damaged America’s reputation.

Members of the US Senate Armed Forces discussed the current situation in Afghanistan, including the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the post-Doha Accords and the Taliban’s rise to power, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin The head of the command asked General Frank tough questions for six hours.

General Mark Milli said the then Foreign Minister had told Pompeo what had happened in his contacts with China and that he had told the Chinese that Trump would not attack them and had contacted China as part of his duties.

“My duty is to protect the United States from internal and external enemies. The threat of terrorism from Afghanistan still exists. The war in Afghanistan was a strategic failure. It did not end on the terms we wanted,” he said.

In response to a question, the US Secretary of Defense said that he would be surprised if the Afghan army surrendered without firing a single shot. We did not know the level of corruption in the Afghan government.

Commander Central Command said the Taliban were not expected to regain control in a matter of hours. The combat mission in Afghanistan was as complex as the evacuation.


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