Australia abandoned the purchase of submarines produced by the Naval Group in favor of American submarines. A defeat for Paris.
In Washington, France says it is extremely disappointed by the American decision of which, it appears, it was not informed. According to information from France Televisions, very few people in the American administration were aware of this decision, of this contract with Australia so that it would not leak. France even canceled the festivities it would hold on Thursday, September 16, at its embassy, ​​to celebrate an episode of Franco-American friendship.
The reception was to commemorate a decisive naval battle in the US War of Independence. France is paying for American strategic choices. Indeed, this contract with Australia, this strengthening of the alliance with Canberra, decreed by the fear of China, by the fact that it has to oppose Chinese influence, is a message from Joe Biden: the priority is Asia. And not Europe, explains France Télévisions journalist Agnes Vahramian.