Satellite communication for iPhone 13 will not be available in all markets

The iPhone 13’s satellite communications won’t be available to everyone, but It will be a limited release to certain markets.

A few weeks ago, we learned that the iPhone 13 would come with this feature. Now, thanks to Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, we know that The feature will only be available in emergency situations where there is no cellular connectivity and only in selected markets.

Emergency functions will only work in areas without cellular coverage and only in certain markets. Apple plans to launch its own satellite network to transmit data to the devices, but that plan will likely take years to take off.

Gurman also says that Apple will not give iPhone users the ability to make calls when they don’t have cellular coverage.

Some have asked me if these new features mean the iPhone can be used as a satellite phone and have the ability to make calls anywhere in the world without cellular coverage. The answer is a big no. That’s not going to happen now, or next year, or in the near future.

Gurman explains that releasing this feature would require hardware that is not yet ready. Besides, it would be “It costs and could provoke an uprising in the phone companies that Apple depends on.”

According to last week’s Bloomberg report, Apple is working on at least two approaches: transmitting short emergency messages and sending SOS distress signals for crises like plane crashes or ships sinking in remote areas.

Apparently, Apple will integrate satellite emergency messages into the Messaging app., allowing users to contact emergency services and close friends without any cell signal.

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According to Bloomberg, emergency messages will appear in the form of gray bubbles, in addition to the traditional blue of iMessage and green of SMS. Phone calls can also be supported over time.

Connecting to a satellite will require the user to be abroad, According to the report. It may take up to a minute for the signal to arrive.

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