Balaídos Undergoing Maintenance Ahead of New Season Kick-Off

World Cup 2030 Host Selection and Balaídos Stadium Renovations

The selection process for the 2030 World Cup host is ongoing, with several countries vying for the coveted title. Meanwhile, Balaídos Stadium is undergoing significant renovations to improve its facilities and infrastructure.

Recent Changes at Balaídos Stadium

For the fourth time in recent history, Balaídos Stadium is changing its grass, a process that began after the Guns N’ Roses concert celebration in June 2022. The new hybrid grass, which combines natural and artificial fibers, will be installed, replacing the existing grass.

The drainage system will also be renovated, as it was in a poor condition. The budget for the renovations amounts to €1 million.

Old Grass to Be Relocated

The removed grass will be relocated to A Madroa Sports City, while the lower category facilities are being constructed to accommodate As Celtas, the club’s new women’s soccer teams.

Balaídos Stadium to Reopen in August

Balaídos Stadium will not be operational until August 12, the week the League begins. Celta will receive a visit from Alavés on Friday, August 15.

Summer Schedule Adjustments

As a result, Celta will not be able to play the traditional Memorial Quinocho match at Balaídos Stadium this summer. However, the date may be moved to a later international break.

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