Tesla Tournaments Heats Up Summer

Imagine competing in a car, but not just any car – a Tesla. And it’s not just racing, but a video game tournament. Yes, you read that right. In Spain, the Open World Now Festival is happening from July 4 to 7, and within it, there will be a unique competition called Charge & Conquer. The twist? It will take place inside a Tesla.

The tournament will feature 8 players who will compete from Friday to Saturday, with only 4 making it to the final phase on Sunday. The prize? An iPhone 15. The curious thing is that there will be no financial compensation. The tournament will also feature a showmatch with Revol Aimar and BaleGG.

But is it really an esports competition? The fact that the prize is a mobile phone might raise some questions. Nevertheless, the event is being presented as “the first esports tournament played with a car,” and it’s the first official and registered tournament in the world of esports.

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