What time is it best to see the April full moon, or “pink moon,” which isn’t actually pink?

The day April 23, 2024 It has many things. Throughout the day, among other things, Book Day – also Sant Jordi in Catalonia – and the Cervantes Prize was awarded. But even as night falls, April 23rd still offers great events, especially when looking at the sky. The Full moon in April It takes place on the night of April 23rd to 24th, the time when it is the most “crowded” and most visible from the ground.

The full moon in April is also known as “pink moon‘, even though it’s not actually pink. The The moon is always the same color, although its perception may vary depending on different aspects. However, April’s full moon is also called the “Pink Moon” because of its association with the blooming season of Phlox paniculata, a pink flower that is very common in the United States and is one of the earliest bloomers.

When is the full moon most visible in April?

The climax of the The full moon occurs around 1:49 a.m on April 24th, i.e. on the night of the 23rd to the 24th, in the areas extending east from Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Ireland will appear virtually full for several daysat least until Thursday morning, April 25th.

It is the Second full moon this spring, which began on March 20th, after the full moon on March 25th. There is at least one full moon every month (sometimes two): This happens because The lunar cycle lasts 29.5 daysalong which the satellite It goes through eight phases: New Moon, Crescent Lunula, Half Moon, Waxing Crescent, Full Moon, Waning Crescent, Waning Crescent and Waning Moon.

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When the moon enters the full moon phaseis visible as a perfect circle because the entire visible side of the moon is illuminated by the sun’s rays.

The other names of the pink moon

The names of the full moons are recorded in the Maine Farmers’ Almanac, which has used Indian nomenclature for each full moon since the 1930s. However, The names of the moons from the almanac went around the world and they are already known to virtually all of society. Of course, every full moon has several names. In addition to the pink moon, April’s full moon is also known by the following names:

  • Sprouting Grass Moon
  • Egg Moon
  • Luna de Pez – this is when the tarpon swim upstream to spawn
  • Easter Moon (or Passover) – in the Hebrew calendar, this moon occurs in the middle of Passover

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