Laporta’s historic stumble generates a hole of 40 million for FC Barcelona: global embarrassment

From the culé environment there is a lot of concern about what can happen in the future with the club’s economy

At FC Barcelona there is a lot of expectation for the following season, but a new mess would tarnish Joan’s management laporta. And it is that the president of the blaugranas knows that the conditions are not being at all easy at this time for the club. There are quite a few gaps and each market is torture due to the affected economy they have.

Let’s remember that Joan Laporta received a quite touched FC Barcelona by Josep María Bartomeu. They have tried to overcome the obstacles that have been generated, but situations that can be quite complex do not stop occurring. Now, a historical stumble could create a hole of several million euros.

Laporta FC Barcelona
Laporta rejected 80 million for a player who is currently discarded by Xavi

From Laporta’s environment there is a lot of concern about a million-dollar operation that could be closed at FC Barcelona, ​​but that was not

In this way, it has been possible to establish that one of the players for whom the Camp Nou team received offers of 80 kilos is currently only worth half that figure. His performance has gone to the ground, so those interested in him are not willing to put more than 40 million for his token.

In that order of ideas, the footballer in question is none other than Ansu Fati. It does some time several clubs of the Premier League asked by conditions for his signing, putting on the table until 80 ‘kilos’. Today they are not willing to offer more than half of that value.

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Ansu Fati still refuses to leave the culé club, but Xavi awaits his goodbye

Said amount could be a balm for the current situation of FC Barcelona that still worries Joan Laporta. For Xavi Hernández, he is a player who can leave without a problem, since he does not have him for the next season. Of course, it will be quite complex to locate him in a destination that leaves a good figure in the blaugrana coffers.

We will have to wait then for what can happen with this movement. At the moment, the march of players continues to generate expectation in the club, since with the exit of the discards, operations can be closed that are underway. Either way, this is not turning out as expected as many refuse to leave the Camp Nou.

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