Ismael Sánchez doping confirmed

The Dominican Cycling Federation confirmed doping yesterday for the cyclist Ismael Sánchez, a native of La Vega.

The engineer Jorge Blas Díaz, president of the organization, confirmed to Listín Diario the information that this newspaper offered exclusively in its Monday edition.

“We have been informed of this unfortunate news, and we are sending this information to Ismael,” said Blas Díaz.

Sánchez would have tested positive for a substance that has not yet been clarified, during his participation in the last National Cycling Independence Tour last February.

The federated president said that yesterday afternoon they received the communication from WADA, the world anti-doping agency, about this case.

“That information is in a confidential envelope, and we are already delivering it to our athlete in La Vega,” he said.

Jorge Blas Díaz, president of Fedoci.

Jorge Blas Díaz, president of Fedoci.

He also clarified that the Federation was verbally informed by the Dominican representation of WADA led by Dr. Milton Pinedo.

Ismael, 40 years old, is a veteran cyclist with many accolades accumulated through a long career.

“He must now continue with the process, that is, if he wishes to appeal, he can do so, and we will give him our full support,” said Jorge Blas.


Sánchez has a history of at some point dancing around as a possible immortal in the Dominican Sports Hall of Fame.

His resume is extensive and successful, as he shows that he has lifted the champion’s trophy in the National Cycling Tour five times, achievements he has achieved in 2012; 2016; 2017, 2020 and 2022. He By far he is the one who has conquered her the most times.

He has earned these victories mainly due to his skills in climbing the mountains of Constanza and Jarabacoa, tests in which watching him climb becomes quite a spectacle for lovers of cycling and sports in general.

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In jeepetas, cars, passolas, motors and other types of vehicles, his townspeople mobilize to help him climb these mountains, even surpassing cyclists of the same lineage, who come from Colombia, Mexico, the United States, among other nations.

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