Carolina Marín falls in the semifinals of the Thailand Open

Carolina Marín could not this Saturday against the South Korean An Se Young, number two in the ranking, in the semifinals of the Thailand Open, a test of the world circuit and of the Super 500 category. With a result of 21-16 and 21-12the Spanish thus abandons the Thai dream.

marin She was “frustrated” with herself, for having made “so many mistakes on the track.” fell before a bronze medalist in the last World Championship and that, with this match, he chained his fifth victory against Huelva, thus breaking the tables in their confrontations (5-4). “With this type of player who only keeps the steering wheel in play it is very difficult, because They get the points through my mistakes.” declares Carolina after the game. Despite the good tournament she had had, without losing a single set, and being the fourth seed in the tournament, could not get the pass to the final.

Young started quite well in the opening set, quickly opening the gap (3-0, 5-2, 10-6) and not letting go of the lead on the scoreboard until they signed up for that partial victory (21-16). Facing the second set, Marín did find a way to annoy his rival, until they reached a favorable 1-4 in the initial bars.

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However, Young came back without palliatives and reached an income (18-9) that was ultimately insurmountable for Huelva. In this way, the South Korean will play the final against the Chinese Bing Jiao He, who this Saturday in the other semifinal beat the Danish Mia Blichfeldt 21-13 and 21-18.

“We have to keep improving these kinds of things. Controlling the frustration on the track through these continuous errors that I have had today”, Carolina Marín sentenced.

The The last time he met the South Korean was in the All England, where Se Young did not have to make any effort to get through to the semifinals, since, Carolina withdrew due to a feverish condition.

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